Thursday, December 18, 2008


~ i just wanted to express what are FRIENDS for...i was inspired to write this in my blog when i was flipping through my yearbook...i began to think.."hmm....i had quite a number of friends...but only a handful of them were my True FRIENDS....True FRIENDS  are people who are willing to lend a helping hand when you need it...During my schooling days some of my "FRIENDS" gave me nothing but trouble...well i guess if they tend to do so towards you they are not meant to be your FRIENDS...I  was pretty ignorant then(i think i still am)... i always had the perception that FRIENDS  were the most important thing in the world...(pretty foolish of me rite??)i use to ignore what my mum told me bout me being used by my so-call "FRIENDS"....well i guess once you are being used by THEM,you wont realize it until someone who knows you and truly cares for you,tells you rite???Besides back then i was still young and knew very little about interpretating someone by looking only at their exterior....But  as years passed im getting the hang of it....not to say im a pro at it...but this type of things need time.... (",) but those were when i was at lower forms...I still remember every recess i would run to the schools counselling room to tell my problems to my counsellor....and because i would go there very often,my counsellor would always be waiting for me...hahaha... but as i went to higher form like form 4 and form 5..i made knew friends who were,i would say, MORE understanding than my old friend... the old friends tried to sabotage  that strong friendship built and finally decided to ditch me from their  "clan"... i was hurt at first but then thinking back... i really couldn't stand their "bitchy-ness", back-stabbing,dishonesty and i picked my self up and became great friends with those who were true to themselve and who were sincere.... and  fair enough i still keep in touch with them even after finishing form 5... Thanks to technology of course!!!!When i decided to continue my studies by doing form6...i made a few more friends and form6 student were so mature that they did not care what background you came from or what skin colour you are...all were treated fairly...i began to realise that these new friends were more knowledgable...understanding...BASICALLY...more Mature la...and it made me laugh at myself for foolishly making friends with that "clan"!!! ahahah they were far more childish compared to a 2 year-old... im glad my mum pushed me through form6... Overall.. i can say that my friends made my schooling life enjoyable...they not only gone through thick and thin with me but most importantly they brought colour into my life... ok after all that crap...i just want to state that F.R.I.E.N.D.S :-

~comes in all type of colours..
~always there for you.....
~shares happiness with you....


  1. Friends the series is awesome:D if i may say,it is hard to find friends who are true and sincere these days from my point of view that is.nevertheless it is an interesting post:D
